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August 27, 2008

a new blog twist...and a poem to share

Hi friends :)
I'm here with an update. My daughter Noelle wanted an opportunity to do her own blogging for a bit. So we decided that I will keep this one as is.. and I link up to her's... and she to mine.
Hopefully as I get rolling and into the swing of this all... I will have some more frequent and interesting content.
As it is now, I am just beginning to get my blogger boots wet. and they feel a bit stiff yet. :) I did however have a poem/lyric to share... I would love any feedback on any posts... so pease feel free ;D

the poem goes like this....
Hurt People
Dear Jesus, please don't stop working in my life;
It's been a long hard row to hoe, And through such cold, dark strife.
I need You Lord~ help me let You, keep on working in my life.
Forgive me Lord, for my weak will, and reveling, amidst my pain;
Broken spirits are strewn around me
That masquerade as hidden bounty, and covert lies drive some insane.
Guard my heart and gird my loins; Fill my life & heart with joy...
Your promise I hold fast and cling to;
all your precepts I employ.
I've hurt so many on the way... Lord,
pretense keeps us blind to need;
and keeps us cloistered in confusion:
far from God, His light, His Creed.
~Hurt people, they hurt people
Born of sorrow; born afraid.
Hurt people -- they hurt people,
Born of sorrow; born of shame.
Parading pretense, self-protection;
Where we try to cope in vain,
When we're hurt and sorrow's leading,
tears in torrents, veil of rain.
Dear Savior Jesus,
Holy Spirit; help and keep...
...my spirit tuned,
To Your soft answer 'n steely will;
the strength and meekness you exude.
Create in me a heart like Yours,
In exchange for my old worn-out one;
--Hurt people, Lord, they hurt people.
But You came so that Joy we'd see:
Hurt people, they hurt people
--Lord, You came to set us free.