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December 31, 2009

I found a cool article with the same inspiration I've had recently!

So instead of me writing about it... I took her story of it all... There's a trackback at the end if oyou want to read more similar...

It's about Composition book journals... or more... making something special just for ourselves:) A neat idea... an artistic outlet and an enmotional one as well. It doesn't break the bank, and serves as an inspiration with a catharctic element to get you in touch with deep down things... and maybe draw some out... thereby , possibly helping you to know you better... thus helping to connect with others and to God, and allowing Him to connect more readliy with you--or us(depending in which person you're reading this in... as I haven't decided which person to write it in ;P... and it's getting too late to think on it too much ... but for the main point-- and that's that getting/drawing closer is His goal. drawing closer and healing...
when healing happens... that(healing and going deeper) brings Him closer.. as we are the more open to Him while looking inside (and the two kind of go togther... right?)
anyway... I liked this idea and I'm planning on making some to share...
I googled for some references or how-to's and see that others have the same idea :) so here's a one ... and a couple links to others (below)

The gal writes--

I write 2-3 pages in a journal just about every morning. They're my "morning pages," and I started writing them earlier this year when I read The Artist's Way.

The first few months, I just wrote my morning pages in a standard plastic-covered spiral notebook. Then it dawned on me that I should decorate my journal. So I tossed together my first covered composition book at a stamp club meeting. It wasn't anything fancy, but I was happy with the way it turned out.

I was really surprised, though, at how nice it felt to make something just for me. Writing in my own specially-made journal made me feel more positive. Even just catching a glimpse of the journal as I walked through the room made me feel proud. Giving myself that gift reassured me that I'm worth spending my own time and energy on. I think a lot of us could stand to send ourselves that message more often.

The holidays can be filled with doing things for everybody else. Buy or make gifts for the family. Send cards to friends. Bake goodies for co-workers. Clean the house for company. And while all those things are great and can be very rewarding... it's also important to do some nice things for you. Maybe that means making yourself a journal (if so, stay tuned for info on how I made mine). Or maybe it's making yourself some jewelry you just love. Or even just taking a nap!

Whatever it is, I hope you'll take some time to really enjoy yourself this holiday season!

Posted in: Currently Working On...
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» How to Make a Composition Book Journal from CraftyGoat's Notes
Want to give someone (or yourself!) a nice journal this Christmas? Covering or “altering” composition notebooks is an easy way to make an attractive journal. Covering a Composition Book - The Basics... [Read More]
more inspiration & instruction for comp book journal


