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April 3, 2010

In the Rain

I held the dream fast, upon my windswept brow...

As a storm threatened it's approach,

I held it with a fervor...

...so as to not forget it's depth or how it touched me now.

I let the dream slide softly away…

It was meant to be embraced for a time,

~ then shared as a Testament to live by;

An offering to Him who held all of what would come to pass.

I awakened... waves of recognition gentled through my consciousness

~Then, the rain.

It began to fall... quietly at first, like a lamb's first breath in the spring...

I had to choose...

...and so I did.

I stood unyielding, as Intensity built ...

I was purified, you could say, by the torrent:

As it beat down drenching me...

...then rolling from my skin, without a sound...

leaving me lighter somehow,

cleaner it would seem.

continuing to wash over me.

~Let it melt away the dross...

of disregard, ill-content... full of fear... and on...

so full of me...

--not any of Him--

I decide to stay here,

with He;

With He who paid for

my life -- with His own...

In it all, a promise... to wash all away...

...I stood mute, without wavering...

in the rain.

~An offering for Him who loved me;

Who makes all things new...

Even in my disheveled state of being,

in my life;

so bleak...

He made it shine

So here I will stand, with Him...

... in the rain.

by Suz 1010