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January 31, 2009

Natural Alternative Cleaning Concoctions and Needed Supplies

I had a restless night and went on to peruse my old files... as I did, I came across this neat list of home made cleaners!... I'm gonna be using then myself...and thought some of you may like them as well...
So here they are :)

Have a great day!

Homemade Cleaning Supplies


One Gallon...
Fill your gallon jug up with water or take a gallon jug filled with water from the grocery store.
add 160 drops of your choice of essential oils and 40 drops grapefruit seed extract.
You can mix and match your essential oils to get up to 160 drops.
Also I find that 40 drops is approximately two dropperfull's of essential oil or 1/2 teaspoon.
To make 32 ounces divide by 4.
Use10 drops each.

For example:
40 drops of Thyme,
40 drops of Lemon,
40 drops of Cinnamon,
40 drops of Clove
40 drops of Grapefruit seed extract

Homemade Bleach,
1 Cup Pure Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
10 Cups Distilled Water
Mix together and store mixture up to three months in glass container.

Mix a half-cup of borax (a natural mineral that kills mold and bacteria)with 1 gallon hot water.
Add a few sprigs of fresh thyme.
Steep for 10 minutes,
strain and cool.
Store in a recycled plastic spray bottle or better yet, a GLASS spray bottle.

Easy Homemade Cleaners

All Purpose Cleaner:
Combine in a clean spray bottle:
Two teaspoons of borax
Two teaspoons baking soda

1 quart water Window and Glass Cleaner:

Combine ingredients in clean spray bottle:
1 part vinegar,1 part water.

Oven Cleaner:
3 parts baking soda,1 part water
nylon scrubber
elbow grease
Combine baking soda and water and use like a paste with the scrubber and
your elbow grease.
For really stuck on stuff, instead of three parts baking soda mix half baking soda half salt (increases abrasiveness).
Keep baking soda off the heating element.

Floor Cleaner:
1/2 cup baking soda
1 gallon warm water
Dissolve baking soda in warm water and apply with rag or mop.
For extra disinfecting add 1/2 cup borax.

Fruit Cleaner:

Mix in sink,
and scrub and rinse vegetables well with:
3 parts baking soda, 2 parts water

Drain Cleaner:

1 cup baking soda
1 cup salt
1 quart boiling water
Blend together and pour down drain followed by boiling water.
Let set several hours or overnight.

Scouring (Dish cleaning) Powder
- Sprinkle baking soda directly on a sponge or rag.

Toilet Bowl cleaner - Scouring powder (see above).

Sprinkle in baking soda and brush as you would a scouring powder,
or if the toilet is stained try mixing:
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup vinegar.
Beware, it bubbles.

Tub and Tile Cleaner - Scouring powder ( See above).

If mold and mildew are present try adding enough water to the baking soda to make a paste. Dip a toothbrush in it and scrub the area.

Room Deodorizer

Mix in a clean spray bottle:

4 Tablespoons baking soda, 1 quart warm water Carpet Deodorizer - Sprinkle carpet with baking soda and vacuum as usual.

Furniture Polish

Mix together:
1 part olive oil
1 part lemon juice
Apply lightly with a soft cloth.
Don't make much more than you need.
t doesn't store well.

Hardwood Floor Polish/ShineMix:
1 part vinegar
1 part olive oil or vegetable oil.
Apply to the floor,
then rub it in well.

Brick and Stone Cleaner:
1 cup of white vinegar
1 gallon of water.

Uses for Tea Tree Oil
General Antiseptic & Cleanser
Add 1 teaspoon of 100% pure oil to 1 1/5 gallons of water when washing
windows, floors, toilets, bathrooms and kitchen surfaces.

Add 2 teaspoons of 100% pure tea tree oil to washing machine for a fragrant, fresh wash.

Household ants and other pests dislike tea tree oil, so a few drops put at the point of entry will deter them.
Wipe cupboards out with an oil and water solution to deter cockroaches. Remove scuff marks from a vinyl/linoleum floor by rubbing with a damp cloth to which pure oil has been added.

Room Spray:
5 drops of tea tree oil to 2½ cups water.
Spray around room to refresh and give a cooling effect.
Refrigerator gaskets stay fresh and clean if you wipe them over occasionally with a tea tree oil/water solution.
Shower doors stay cleaner if you wipe them over with a tea tree oil/water solution.
Helps prevent soap sum build-up.
After washing down walls and removing grime and mildew, wipe over again witha tea tree oil/water solution to prevent mildew regrowth.
To remove chewing gum from hair, apply pure oil.

Diaper Cleanser:
Add 20 drops tea tree oil to approximately 1 gallon of water,
stir, then soak diapers overnight.

:) 'n More as I find them :)

January 22, 2009

About my daughter, A young lady, a warrior with a heart for God...

My sweet daughter turned a big 14 yesterday. I just wanted to share what a blessing she is to her father and me. Noelle is loyal and faithful, and a good friend, she is an advoctae for the oppressed, a shining heart!, a talented writer and photographer, and my right arm in all things that need done!
Noelle is compassionate and has a zeal for the lost... eg: she mentors a young neighbor faithfully in the ways of the Lord. She is a quick wit--keeps us in stitches... she is gracious and giving... never holding on tight to things, she gives of herself and freely gives of her belongings or shares her money where there is a need. She seldom complains. She is a warrior in the spirit realm, and cares deeply about the things of God. She aspires to be a keeper at home and be a blessing to her husband and children someday. She has many, many interests and talents... loves music, has a soft heart, is a faithful friend...is trustworthy, is not foolish (but can get real silly! LOL!) ... oh, I could go on!
~~We are blessed to have been chosen for the priviledge of being her parents.
Love you Noelle,
Love Mom & Dad

~~A shot of the day before last (of 13) for Noelle


~~Finally THE day... 14

~~a few snacks, a couple good friends and a "Black Forest" Birthday cake that I forgot to take a shot of


~~opening a gift from a dear friend...

January 21, 2009

a Bubbly Life or a Bubble Life?

Hi there all,
I have no idea where I'm going with this, but my heart yearns to post. I have a burden , burning in my heart for souls that won't be assuaged. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled for this, yet at the same time, I find it so hard to break out of the same old--same old monotonous shell of semi (safe) isolation where I needn't stretch myself too much or get real uncomfortable.

What a sham, what a travesty!... Whose life is this anyway? Of whom do I claim to belong?
Tears trickle forth as I write this.Though, I welcome them and wish they were more constant companions, more constant reminders.

~~When I was a young woman of 25 I had a brand new relationship in my life. It was my first (real) love. I had a fresh and vibrant zeal and no fear. I was bubbling and busting at the seams to share the good news I had found. I wanted everyone to experience the hope that newly lay before me. I walked (was carried away) , on a cloud of hope and devotion to my Lord for four years. Then things changed radically. I was plunged (plunged myself) into a situation where I had to learn to walk beside the Lord and not leave Him behind me as I strolled on into the new excitement I was living in the midst of.
Along with this zeal and exuberence and passionate devotion to my Lord was the love of His people and the desire to be with them, often and in meaningful ways. This changed as I changed and I mourn the loss before me now.

I am grieved to say, I let Him fall behind, I ran ahead, and things were never quite the same again. Definately the Lord was faithful. He was always there for me. I had only to call out to Him and He was there. Despite this, I grew independent. I grew toward man and away from dependence on my Lord. I so regret that journey, that detour , away from life and into pretense and unfulfilled promises.

Yes, I have come back to my first love, (I have began to begin that journey back) that is...I have repented of my prodigal ways and have reclaimed my place in His fold, humbly surrendering my own way and letting my heart break for Him.
I am rejoicing to be here. The thing is that it hasn't been the same. I still miss a vital element of our communion. >> I have yet to break the isolation (as aforementioned) mode that still tries to keep me in it's grips. I long to again, have free flowing, sharing, and fellowship with others. I'm sure my family misses this as well. If a woman, if the mom is the heart of the home... then I may have an opportunity to set the tone for such sharing amongst God's people and others who need to know His Spirit, living in his people, in a home or in a life

We just cannot seem to quite make the break from the ill-learned self-protection and bubble living that is safe and easy and very exclusive of our brothers and sisters.

Now this discourse (above) is relative... as we do reach out and open our hearts and home. I say relative because, in comparison to where my heart began and the degree of sold-out-ness I lived... this is just not much to speak of (as I see things) It's not enough, It's not God's heart.
I am not discontent in a fleshy mode. I am grieved by the Spirit . I have learned from experience to tell the difference.

I guess I wanted to break a bit more of the bubble mode by sharing...I guess I am asking for prayer... and I guess I as I think of it, I would really love and feedback, if anyone has a mind to share on this.

I wonder how much time is left in this country or in this world as we know it.
I am burdened by the lack of revival and zeal I see in our midst... in the Christian church, in our hearts...

God have mercy on our souls... and please let us see things as You see them. Please bless us that we might be moved to tears and be moved to action.

January 15, 2009

Warm happy feet :)

cayenne pepper

A tip for today

For any wives out there whose husbands work in the cold (or daughters whose fathers work in the cold), especially those with jobs where they stand still for long periods of time in the sub zero weather… as in (road construction crews) etc…
My husband raves about a tip that I found a while back and he has tried and tested many below zero days this winter as a night watchman in here in Northern WI and Upper Peninsula of MI areas…
What’s the tip? You have probably guessed it! Sprinkle that Cayenne Pepper into the socks or the soles of the boots.. and let the heat warm his feet!
It works as the Cayenne pepper is a very hot spice. It warms by causing the blood to come to the surface, much like physical warmth does when applied to your body.. it gets red and warms… so does the cayenne… and it keeps warming, all night long (or day!)

Have a “happy heated feet” kind of day!

January 14, 2009

More on health and a personal note :)

Hello fellow blog readers,
I have been posting more as of late, concerning Natural Health and issues and the freedoms being threatened in this country pertaining to it.

WHY... well, though multi-faceted, a couple reasons are that I desire to affilliate with a company with whom I whole-heartedly trust and who (I believe carry some of the Most Superior Nutricuiticals that are available anywhere-- One being the Moxxor Omega 3 source available (click on Hobbes the Dog pic at top right of blog for more info, and the other?, well, the info is forthcoming :)

... and Secondly,

I feel strongly about the issues that are being published here. I have been an advocate of natural health options for quite some time, having been made aware out of necessity... as a self initiated campaign to regain my opwn health and overcome chronic conditions that plague me.
I have been aware of healthy food and nutrition from a young girl growing up in Western Pennsylvania. My Father was very health conscious even before it became popular! (or a more common practice)
I remember high protein powder in my shakes before swin meets and mega doses of vitamin c in the winter.. I remeber honey , daily on a big tablespoon... and more :) Though despite all of the healthy beginnings, I let myself go health wise as a young adult and am reaping the consequenses of poor choices over the yeras. So, Thank you Lord, that Your mercies are new every morning and I have another chance, every day to make the right decisions.. I pray they might enable me to undo damage and conterbalance things in my favor once again ....
I have hopes that all would benefit from the health related posts and tips to come...

~and for anyone out there that might have enjoyed my blog; post health posts!,

I will continue to write from amidst the other corners of my heart...and hope you all check back and see what might be new here and again !
I'm planning to keep the health artices to 1-2 x's a week...

So with that I'll be on my way,
Blessings and Be Well!

Will Obama Take on Big Pharma?? Maybe Not.

As we fast approach the beginning of the Obama administration, it is interesting to watch his team develop. You can tell a lot about a politician by the caliber of people he surrounds himself with. The opinion piece featured today makes it painfully clear that Obama's choice for Surgeon General, a key post that influences many aspects of the health industry, is the same ol' same ol' -- business as usual.

With the cost of healthcare continuing to skyrocket, even those with insurance are straining their budgets between premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. Even sadder is the fact that most of the "care" offered only throws dangerous drugs -- another added expense -- at symptoms, rather than addressing issues through lifestyle changes that lead toward wellness and prevent disease.

If the government won't change their ways, perhaps we should rethink our own choices. Consider purchasing a catastrophic insurance policy that will keep you from bankruptcy if you experience a major medical event. Then invest what you were spending on other insurance costs into nutritious, organic food and natural supplements along with finding a healthy diet that will help your body to balance in a natural way. It is also wise to establish a working relationship with a natural-minded healthcare practitioner that can help educate and coach you toward wellness. It is time to take personal responsibility for the health of ourselves and our families.
Foreword By: Tom Mathison -- my hubby 

Here We Go:
Obama Wants CNN Doctor Sanjay Gupta as Surgeon General
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, January 6, 2009

President-elect Barack Obama's choice for U.S. Surgeon General is reportedly CNN journalist Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a pro-vaccine pusher with ties to Merck.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a strong proponent of the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and the television show he once hosted ("Accent Health") was primarily sponsored by Merck, makers of Gardasil.

Now he's poised to become the Surgeon General of the United States. Just what we need, huh? Another pill-pushing, vaccine-pushing Washington bureaucrat with ties to Big Pharma.

I told you folks that Obama wasn't going to end Big Pharma's business as usual, and this vaccine-pumping choice for Surgeon General is a disturbing example of yet more pro-Pharma decisions to come.

So who should really be U.S. Surgeon General? Well Dr. Julian Whitaker, of course. His knowledge of nutrition and public health is vastly superior to that of Dr. Sanjay Gupta. But Dr. Whitaker would teach the American people how to cure diabetes, heart disease and cancer using nutritional therapies, and then the whole economy would collapse thanks to all the out-of-work disease industry doctors. So they can't let that happen, right?

Then again, Dr. Gupta is, indeed, a bonafide brain surgeon. That might come in handy in Washington, come to think of it. Maybe he can perform a little brain surgery on his fellow Washingtonian bureaucrats and find a way to restore the common sense they all apparently lost when they got elected.

Get ready for a whole new mandatory vaccination push under the Obama administration, folks. It's the same scam that's been running under the Bush Administration, but now it's going to be disguised as "public health policy." Yep, all those vaccines are President Obama's way of caring for the American people, didn't you know?

Big Business always wins in Washington. As long as the corporations are running the lawmakers and the politicians, the People are always going to lose. The only thing that changes is the face of the person fronting the scam -- and the name of the political party he belongs to. Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter: Virtually all politicians secretly belong to the same, single party called the Big Business Party, and their decisions are made to please Big Business, not to protect the People.

You might as well start making your vaccination protest banners right now. With Gupta at the helm, America is going to be a whole new

January 11, 2009

Should we blindy trust the AMA?

More Antibiotics? You Must be Kidding!

At first I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this story. Free antibiotics from a major grocery store chain? Even conventional medicine has recognized the dangers of the promiscuous use of these drugs and the hazards that can result. Where is the watchdog of our drug safety in America -- the FDA -- when a company comes up with a marketing ploy such as this? They get militant with anyone that dares discuss the benefits of natural foods or supplements, but yet allow the encouragement of these harmful drugs that, as the article points out, don't even effectively treat most of the ailments they are typically prescribed for.

Not only don't antibiotics help with viral ailments such as flu, colds, and others, but they actually weaken the body's ability to fight disease by compromising the balance of flora in the digestive tract where approximately 75% of the immune system is located. A better alternative is to take a quality probiotic product that boosts the number of "good" bacteria in the gut, thus strengthening the body and increasing its ability to absorb more nutrients from food as well. This plan to hand out antibiotics only encourages doctors to overprescribe and is one of the finest examples that I have ever seen of the pretzel logic that has long been the hallmark of Big Pharma and the FDA.
--Foreword by my hubby, Tom Mathison--

Antibiotics -- Even Free Ones -- Won't Cure Most Winter Ills
January 07, 2009 01:01 PM ET

The eastern seaboard will soon be awash in free antibiotics, as Wegmans yesterday announced the 72-store supermarket chain will make a 14-day supply of nine generic oral antibiotics available at no charge.

Giant Foods and Stop & Shop had already announced similar programs.

Wegmans says the program is aimed at helping people get through cold and flu season and will end March 31.

This is a nice public relations effort, and it is truly helpful for consumers who need these drugs. But the fact is that most wintertime ailments -- cold, flu, most sore throats, bronchitis, sinusitis -- are caused by viruses, not bacteria, and won't respond at all to antibiotics, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But doctors, pressed for time and perhaps not entirely certain that their patient's illness isn't caused by a bacterial infection, often go ahead and prescribe a course of antibiotics anyway. If the drugs are free, the temptation to prescribe is even greater. This can lead to a second problem: antibiotic resistance.

Overuse of antibiotics has led to an alarming growth in bacteria and other microbes that don't respond to the antibiotics that used to kill them. Antibiotic resistance is considered one of the world's most pressing public health problems.

Taking antibiotics when you don't need them may make your body resistant to antibiotics when you do, according to the CDC. If you've got a bug and your doctor says to let it run its course, do that instead of demanding antibiotics, even free ones.

(Photo taken from JupiterImages.com)