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July 26, 2009

To Each His Own

As I look at this picture, I have to smile to myself, It's a warm fuzzy, reminiscent of last winter, around the Christmas season. He, (my sweet hubby Tom) really did like the book of the history of baseball I got him...and I really did like the photo book featuring professional interior designerrs featuring their hints and tips and their styles.
I wanted to tell him about the lovely decorative isnpiration I had come upon for our Living room...
Some things are just more interesting... LOL
I'm am really just pleased that he enjoyed his own book...
He isn't much into decorating, but he is sooo much of everything else that counts. 17 years coming up soon babe!,
Loving you!
....Your Suz

a perriwinkle fleur

July 9, 2009

Death and Living Together...

Fellowship... Oh Lord, grant us sweet fellowship!

I have been praying heavily lately (we all have), for opportunities to share our faith and the reason for it with others... loving them as He would... and going to the ones He would... the ones that know they have a need.. The ones where it's obvious that the need is real and is pressing!
The ones that He is drawing... who's hearts may be being prepared for more seeds to be planted...

I know this can all seem to sound cliche... (talk of planting seeds and being drawn etc.) as we seem to throw around these terms indescriminately... but our hearts are seeking authenticity and organic fellowship with our brothers and sisters, yes... but also with those who God wills to come...
So, we say, organic in that it stems from the heart of Christ... being lived out in His people... and touching lives .. A big part of this is reaching out is as I had described above, but also, strengthening one another by walking as commanded... "alongside of one another -- striving with one another and confessing our sins to one another daily so that our hearts might not be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin" I'm talking totally forsaking your way. Oh, we sigh...what a romantic and noble sounding notion...
Yet it IS, I believe God's own heart and intent for us all...

~But it is oh so hard to live out... It's risky to get vulnerable and confess your wrong attitudes and responses and violations of others, to others... making oneself accountable to them and more than that... to Christ.
It's also risky to agree silently, and yet purposefully, nothing wavering, as a Vow before the Lord
to put others first... always .. and having to keep that vow, as you're living your life as an open book and your every move under possible scrutiny?

~Do we want to give up our rights to our behold and hide our private sin?... Do we want to give up our time to come to the aid of another who needs ministry in some form or another? Do we want to be an open book, open faced and open hearted before our fellow man?
~If we truly count our lives as not our own and bought at a price--If we truly know what it means to pour ourselves out to the dregs so that we might bless another.. and then be filled again (by the One who fills us with His living water that propagates life.. the only sustainence that can give life)... What Jesus offers!

As Jesus Himself put it, "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." A life of devotion to God's work in the world around you is the fruit and the overflow of abiding in Christ.
You're not truly remaining in Him if deep down inside your heart isn't stirring towards that end. You're missing the heart of God in a serious way if you don't genuinely care for others. Your prayer time isn't directed entirely to the God of the Bible!
You might spend a lot of time praying, but according to Jesus, abiding in the God of the Bible will yield a clear result: having a heart for serving others and bringing them higher into His ways. That's "bearing much fruit to the Father's glory -- fruit that will last."
So, to sum up: having that passionate heart, caring deeply for others, and being involved in their lives means taking risks.
We dare not sit back, thinking we're to be the one on the receiving end of that kind of passion. We must thrust forward in faith and in humility -- and it does take both. Trusting God and laying down our lives for other people is a rare thing, but it's inseparable from biblical Christianity.

The book of Acts says that the early Christians went everywhere "gossiping" the Word of God. The Greek word for"speaking" there is literally "gossiping." Sharing God's Word and His love was their heart and passion. They lived for it.
~So reject the idea that you can sit in your home with a scripture verse hung over your toaster and a plaque on your front door, have a great prayer time in the morning, listen to praise and worship songs all day, and show up at a meeting every now and then, and that's what Christianity is all about.
Frankly, you haven't had a great prayer time if it doesn't result in a passionate heart to heal the wounds of the broken hearted and to loose the chains of those in bondage tosin. That is the heart of Jesus of Nazareth, and that is your heart if you are connected to the Head. It's automatic.

So really stretch yourself. Search deeply within to root out anything that would hinder that kind of heart. Crucify the fear and the selfishness and the lifestyle expectations and the busyness that the world and satan would want to impose on you.
~Reject any self-righteousness or laziness that would stand in the way. Get rid of all the excuses. Begin by "'fessing up." Then get rid of all the excuses in your life that would keep you from really being about the Father's business.

~It is then... as we count that cost and are still kicking to buy, that we will be ready to do all of the above and soooo much more. :)

My prayer is the The Lord continue to prepare us... mold and shape and burn away the dross, that we would be Holy vessels, meet for the Master's use!

I want to be willing to be made willing

I pray for my desires... that they'd be right and reflect His will.. which is blessedly, Our very best for us anyway!
I don't write any of this with a heart attitude hat I am the teacher here.. the one who has arrived... I write today as one who is seeking this life, right alongside of those who will.
I know this one thing for sure... there is no true joy, purpose or intimacy with the Lord and therefore, no true fullfillment if we are not connected to Him and His life and striving to walk in obedience to His calling
~These are concepts I have gleaned from His teachings in the word... I am open to correction, if anyone has a counterpoint to put forth... I am hopeful to hear your hearts, and respond in love.

As for me right now, I say, Thank you Dear Lord, Come Quickly to my aid... I need more of you!
...Less of me and More of You...
Praise You Father...

Beach Party and a Bear

A couple of weeks ago, we spent a grand day at the beach --on the Big Lake (Lake Superior)

(at the beach ;)

Hobbes--(we stopped for ice cream on the way to the beach)

some kids playing on the beach...

One picture of Noelle that she would agree to let me post ;)

playing in the pink...

floating in blue

~~Then on the way home, I finally spotted what I had been waiting for for soooo long.. to see a gnarley 'ol bear.. up close and personal! I did get closer pictures, though not sharper... (sigh)

I guess this one should have come after the last

He(or she) turned back to look at the strange creature coming upon him...(or her) ;)

--all in all, it was an interesting day...

July 2, 2009

My handsome son Joshuah

JD... I never have recent pics of you! Please keep em coming ! :)
My mama heart likes to plaster my blog with pics my kiddos...

... You're continually in my prayers...
Love always,

My Sweet Daughter, Grandolls :) and Son -in-Law :)--not necessarily in that order ;P

just a beautiful day in the neighborhood to lay around and relax (on the sidewalk?)

...maybe they're discussing things???...

~~ actually , I think Brandi has caught the photography bug and has some really unique composition/poses up her sleeve... this IS classic Jacob and Joce.. Joce with electrifying bed-head!Classic creative-free spirited Jacob ;0) ~~and finally,my lovely daughter and her handsome hubby ;P

July 1, 2009

Come quickly Lord Jesus

Revelation 1:7
Look, He is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen.

Another Must-See

( possibly, for a limited time only!)

~~ Just Beautiful ~~