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September 16, 2009

Why All Things That Glitter Are Usually NOT Gold

I certainly thought I had the world wrapped up in a nice shiny package for myself at this age. (actually,at 24, it would be less than a year before The Lord showed me a dramtically different reality)
... I thought, I certainly did, But He had a few things to say to me and about my life.

Below is a piece I wrote a few years back, and it pretty much sums up he way I find myself feeling about the futility of the status quo...
I didn't wan't it then and I don't want it as a believer now... I want the Lord in all of His fullness and a radical Chriistian Life that goes all out, every day, in every way! I am trying (praying) to recpature this zeal... I have some, but nothing like what I had when I met my first love... and nothing compared to where I desire to be again...
Are you happy where you are?
Do you sense something, maybe even something big, missing?
I pray we will meet up on our quest :) Blessings all, till then,

Why are all things that glitter, usually not gold?

The way is narrow and few will find it
What is esteemed among men is usually an abomination to God..
Mans heats are wicked.. The Lord knew only few would seek Him and be satisfied
He knew that only a few would sell out for Him and not fool themselves into believing that what they wanted must be one in the same..
He knew that to seek out own life.. (fame, power, position, influence, luxuries… we would lose.. it
But to lose it (forsake all our efforts and our own ambition and be satisfied with what he sees fir) THEN we will find it!

True life, authentic life, HIS life!
Eve bought the lie… “there is more, your gonna miss it! Is that ”really” what God said (or meant)
When Eve sinned in the garden… it was then that she then knew! Her eyes were opened to her “self life” and she wanted to know more…. To seek to find life (herself, and her way)
Her eyes were opened to the difference between light and darkness, good and evil.
She then had a dark heart when it had been full of light.
Misery loves company! So she pulled Adam in on it all!

He joined her there.

What does this have to do with the world or the church at large (the majority of it) …
Today’s watered down Christianity has swallowed the easy to digest pablum
They want nothing too hard to swallow…
Again, narrow is the way, and few will go that way….
What seems right to man in THIS state is really tragic with the lies and heresy’s it perpetuates by default and probably at times , wittingly.
Mans ways are not God’s ways… We want to know more, we want to self to be exalted, we want things to be a little easier, more convenient.. “ambition”.. for things to go OUR way! (like it was with them .. in the beginning.. Nothing has changed, things have just taken a different shape … a different face… same agenda, different means…
For example…
If it is popular to the sell out crowd, it is most probably not God’s pure heart on a subject… He tells us this, Life examples and the signs of the times tell us this and today’s comfort driven , liberal minded compromising Christianity tells us this.. (If WE have ears to hear… In fact some people hear it screaming this!

If your ears are attuned to the frequency, you will hear it screaming!