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November 22, 2008

Heartfelt Thank-Yous -- (and don't forget the CONTEST below!)

Hi all, I have been really neglectful with my bog as of late. I am sorry about that... as I enjoy the blogging. It helps me to feel connected and in turn is an encouragement to me... and hopefully some of you once in a while as well.
I have recently asked for prayer.
My request was vague but what a blessing of a response I had! Thank you in big ways for all of your encouragemant... your prayers and notes of wisdom shared have been water to my parched soul... and a much needed spiritual hug as well.
I was vague about my request as it was one of those things that , well, the Lord knows... Nothing mysterious... nothing unusual, but basically just a crying out for comfort in a more tumulteous time of the storm and a desperate need for breakthrough. I feel stuck. I have felt your prayers... I know the Lord hears, just as I know He put it on my heart to not keep keeping it all in, and to just share my request :)

A dear sister that the Lord has used during another pivotal time in life well-- the Lord used her again with just what I needed to hear:) She invited me to give her a call... (it had been a couple of years since we had spoken on the phone) -- so when she invited me to give a call again, I thought it might be a God--appointment so was sure to call and well enough , it was. I am thankful for that chat... (thanks sister ;)

I have another sister that the Lord has recently brought into my life though happenstance. Jamie has been an encouragement as well. The Lord has used her in ways that I had not expected... in ways that have shown me and my family in tangible ways that He truly does care when even when we are not at our best.We don't have to have arrived , being a shining example of a perfect overcomer to have Him bless us in His personal way with things that speak to us... "I am with you child and I do care ,in ALL things. She has been a wellspring of wisdom for me and a help in getting a grasp on things that I thought I was already well informed about. (lol & wink)
I Praise the Lord for showing me through these months that He has not forsaken me.. in the ways that only He can... so that I "Know" that it is most assuredly Him

So, There have been trials, some really painful as of late. There are things that I have carried (too long) that I know the Lord wants me to put down. I know that when I don't put down some of these self imposed burdens, I am much hindered from being used in the ways he wants to use me.. and as well... when I hold onto things... and get my little fumbly paws in His workings... I surely mess things up... where-as if I'd have been still and held my faith... He would may well have worked some things out already and with much less pain! How slow I am to learn.
There is more here to share... my thoughts are just disjointed right now... so I will share more on this on another posting... different post-- same issues to be sure. It is His timing and not mine-- on of the things that are sinking in to my spirit of late (I'm learning to not feed into the lie that (if there are not instant answer's the problem areas in my walk then that means that God's not working !)... these things are treasures and worthy things take time to forge into all they will become...
Blessings to you all
Lots of ((e-huggs)) from me and thank you all again.. you are all blessings to me :)