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November 22, 2008

MckMama's SmallFry Fryday Contest!

Ok Hey!
I found a fab new blog!... a blog from a fellow shuttersister to boot-- with really photogenic kiddos ( much like my own (wink... a bit of basis here:) it's MckMama's site featuring Stellan, Small Fry and Prince Charming (hubby I believe (wink) & two other Mck kiddos!
aswhich is as far as I got to see before I rushed over to my blog to sign up for this cool contest :)
I like it... tips & inspriation... my favorite kind!
--the first post I found made me smile as it denoted "contest" It's a Fryday contest... in honor of her sweet "small-fry" gal's photo shoot :) -- so click above on the big font/word "contest" for details! coz, well who doesn't like a contest!? -- Prizes?!?
yep!... She mentioned a header or lens's etc... for the winner chosen ;)

I am excited as I happen to be looking for a header for my photography blog ... so cool!

If I don't win, maybe one of my visitors will...
~~ here's to hoping the best for you all!
Again... Go to Smallfry contest !
and check it out! Sounds like much fun and I think you'll like her site :)
but act fast... it ends some time this week-end!
~~best to ya'll and sorry I haven't been very active.. I have been in a dry spell...but am feeling inspired again ;)
Blessings, Suz