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August 30, 2008

Do not Trudge Through Days...

I saw this on my fridge :)
It was placed there by a friend of the family, as he and my dd, Noelle were fooling around making sentences with our magnetic words... we kept it there when we moved... I snapped a picture of it to remember it by :)

He IS Alive..

I am ever so thankful for this and even more, that He is alive in my heart. However, There are times, when I am weighed down by baggage/or should I say - bondage that defined my life before I knew the Lord and my before my spirit was alive in Him. It is those times that I have to cry out to Him to have mercy on me and to lift my burdened heart out of the blue. I have so many regrets and I know He doesn't want us to live in the shadows of yesterday... yet we must assess our pasts when they keep hindering our here and now, despite our position as heirs of His life-giving and life-sustaining power.

At times , He will allow us to see into our pasts, and there-by offer the opportunity for us to choose to embrace the reality of what was, then surrender it to His care (and disposal). otherwise we will, as I find myself doing much too often... begin to peer into the shadows of my past and re-identifying myself with that dark rendition of what was.

I don't want to do that. It is so terribly destructive and grievous to our Lord. It hinders our walk-- skews our vision, and steals our purpose and hope... even if only for a while.

The danger, I have found is letting this happen too often. It can covertly become commonplace by our not taking dominion over these negative thoughts and letting them fester and become a pattern or a mind set. Some call it a strong hold. Whatever you call it, It is not His will ... and it can , so easily, put us in bondage to negativity, there-by, opening us up to believing other satanic lies that come at us , vying for attention. "Ugh." I need to remember.. and I encourage anyone who can relate... to remember who we are (In Him) ...


Titus 2:12-14

and "overcomers by His blood shed for us".

1 John 5:4

where "we stand" (In Him)

1 peter 5:9

"In the heavenly places with Jesus", as "co-heirs and Victors with Him"...

and who are enemy is... what he is ...( thief, a liar and defeated!)

and we need to.. like the saying goes... "act like we know!" walking within this Truth, continually ... renewing our minds in His Word and Truth... till we are walking, once again in the total freedom meant for us as His children, Holy and dearly loved...

What a freedom and a sweet place to be.

There is no other way to be free to be used of Him... no pouring out.. no infilling, no real life.. without being connected and drawing our life from the Vine...empty of selves and all of the lies that like to come and stick to us!

Lord, thank You for Your gracious mercy and deliverence from myself... and help me to keep my eyes on You and continue to walk in Your Truth...
...and to "not trudge through days, for You are Alive!
so I will soar and sing"!